COVID-19 Statement Update
24 March, 2020
Following on from the Prime Ministers address to the nation, we wanted to update you on the current situation at Mail Solutions.
Our business remains open in order to service key public sector organisations (e.g. Government, Councils) and helping to keep to the wheels of finance and industry turning during these turbulent times with their essential printed communications.
The health and safety of our employees, customers and suppliers is still absolutely paramount and Mail Solutions are diligently adhering to Government advice on how to mitigate Coronavirus (e.g. social distancing, hand washing). We are limiting employee numbers at each site, with the rest of our core business functions now being managed through remote working.
We continue to evaluate all options, as well as implement further contingency measures. If anything changes operationally, we will provided further updates.
Finally, we would like to thank our wonderful employees and suppliers for their hard work during this challenging time and our customers for their continued support.
If you would like further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.