COVID-19 Statement Update
7 April, 2020
Mail Solutions is continuing to provide key products and services to various organisations within important sectors that the UK government has identified as essential. This also includes supporting vital government communications sent out to help to keep people safe and well-informed, which is why we have been considered as a critical supplier.
In order to remain operational, it’s also important for the company to continuously review its business risks and evaluate any appropriate contingency measures. Detail below are a few updates in relation to key areas of the business.
Supply Chain – We remain in close contact with all key raw material suppliers (e.g. paper) to ensure that there are still sufficient stocks available to meet demand and to date we are not anticipating any immediate supply shortages.
Employees – The health and safety of our employees is still top priority and we continue to follow government guidance to restrict the spread of the coronavirus. Onsite employees are very much limited to those that are essential to operational output and have been given key worker information to justify their valued attendance at work. We have implemented remote working measures to all other business functions that can be carried out from home.
Operational Capacity – Currently we are experiencing a spike in demand for various envelope and print solutions to support a multitude of time critical campaigns. We can assure customers that despite these difficult circumstances our teams are working tirelessly to maintain operations, ensure continuity in supply and deliver orders within agreed timescales.
Again, a big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to get in touch with us so far – whether it be give feedback, ask questions, or show support! As you are aware, the current crisis represents a constantly shifting picture and we are ready to assist clients in any way we can. We are all in this together.
If you would like further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.