Carbon Net Zero 2024 Update

23 September, 2024

Carbon Net Zero 2024 Update

Mail Solutions continues its journey toward net zero, making substantial strides in reducing carbon emissions across its operations. The company’s latest sustainability report highlights impressive achievements in 2023, underscoring its commitment to carbon reduction targets and environmentally responsible business practices.

Below is a breakdown of the key performance indicators in Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions, illustrating Mail Solutions’ ongoing efforts and challenges on its path to net zero.

Scope 1 (Direct Emissions)

Key Highlights:

  • Reduction of 48.5 tCO2e in 2023: The company achieved significant reductions in Scope 1 emissions, with a notable decrease of 48.5 tCO2e.
  • Switch to Electric Vehicles: Mail Solutions reduced its reliance on natural gas and diesel by switching to electric vehicles. This operational change, coupled with other strategic adjustments, contributed to a year-on-year decline in Scope 1 emissions.
  • Long-Term Impact: Since 2019, Scope 1 emissions have dropped by an impressive 52.4%. This reflects the company’s proactive measures, including the transition to greener energy sources and more sustainable vehicle options.

The focus on reducing natural gas consumption and transitioning company vehicles from diesel to electric has been instrumental in the company’s efforts. This long-term focus on Scope 1 emissions reductions aligns with Mail Solutions’ broader sustainability objectives and provides a solid foundation for continued progress.

Scope 2 (Energy Indirect Emissions)

Key Highlights:

  • Slight Increase in 2023: Scope 2 emissions, which encompass indirect emissions from electricity consumption, saw a 6.5% increase in the last reporting period.
  • Long-Term Reduction: Despite the increase in 2023, Scope 2 emissions have decreased by 49.5% since the 2019 baseline. Emissions have fallen from 1,955.3 tCO2e in 2019 to 986.8 tCO2e in 2023, showcasing the company’s commitment to reducing energy consumption.

Mail Solutions has made substantial progress over the last five years in reducing Scope 2 emissions, but the slight increase in 2023 emphasizes the need for ongoing monitoring and additional energy efficiency measures. The company remains committed to further reducing its dependence on non-renewable energy sources.

Scope 3 (Other Indirect Emissions)

Key Highlights:

  • 15.5% Reduction in 2023: Scope 3 emissions, which cover indirect emissions from the company’s value chain (including purchased goods and services), decreased by 15.5% in 2023.
  • Overall Reduction Since 2019: Since the 2019 baseline, Scope 3 emissions have fallen by 30.9%, dropping from 5,887.2 tCO2e to 4,180.2 tCO2e in 2023.
  • Future Growth Expected: Although the company has achieved significant reductions in Scope 3 emissions, it anticipates an increase in future years as more data from upstream and downstream categories is gathered.

The decrease in Scope 3 emissions demonstrates the company’s ability to influence its supply chain's environmental impact. However, the expected growth in emissions as more data is collected highlights the complexity of addressing indirect emissions within the value chain.

Overall Performance

In 2023, Mail Solutions recorded total emissions of 5,385.3 tCO2e, marking a significant reduction of 754.3 tCO2e compared to the previous year. This represents a notable 35% reduction in overall emissions over the past five years, driven primarily by reductions in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.

While Mail Solutions has made remarkable progress in reducing its carbon footprint, the company remains vigilant about future challenges, particularly in addressing Scope 3 emissions. As the company collects more comprehensive data, its ability to track, report, and reduce these emissions will be critical to achieving its net zero targets. Mail Solutions continues to set a strong example of how operational changes, sustainable energy use, and supply chain engagement can drive meaningful progress toward environmental goals. With continued focus and strategic planning, the company remains on track to achieve its ambitious net zero aspirations.

Group Managing Director, Karl Lee expressed his satisfaction with the 2023 results, stating, “We are incredibly proud of the strides we’ve made in reducing our carbon footprint. Reducing Scope 1 emissions by over 50% since 2019 demonstrates that our investments in sustainable technology, such as electric vehicles and greener energy sources, are paying off. We understand the responsibility we carry as an organisation, and we are committed to continuing our efforts to achieve our net zero target by 2050.”

Jon Higson, Group Finance Director and Head of Environmental Performance for Mail Solutions, added, “From a financial perspective, achieving meaningful reductions while managing operational efficiency is always a delicate balance, but I’m pleased to see that our environmental initiatives are both sustainable and financially sound. Our reduction in Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions shows that we’re on the right track. However, we’re also aware of the challenges ahead, especially in capturing and addressing the full extent of our indirect emissions. Rest assured, we will continue to push forward with a focus on innovation, transparency, and responsible growth“.

To request a copy of our latest carbon net zero report, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01952 582272.